
iciHaiti - FLASH : Firefighters targeted in Trou du Nord 03/03/2017 08:02:30
Wednesday morning, in the commune of Trou du Nord, the Firefighter's Corps, that was intervening on arson, after the assassination of Gérald Kébreau, a bodyguard of the close security of Senator Wanique Pierre (PHTK) https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-20242-haiti-security-a-bodyguard-of-the-deputy-wanique-pierre-shot-down.html was the target of gunshot from unidentified individuals.
The fire truck was hit by several bullets, at least one of which passed through the windscreen near the driver, who managed to leave the area safe and sound. From memory it is the first time in Haiti that individuals fire on a fire truck.
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TB/ iciHaiti