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iciHaiti - Panyol : A vehicle for the first time in the village center!
19/02/2017 09:51:03

iciHaiti - Panyol : A vehicle for the first time in the village center!
Friday, the Center of the Village of Panyol (Kenscoff) welcomed for the first time of its existence, a vehicle !

A mission of the Dr. Louis G. Lamothe Foundation, led by Rose Anne Auguste and agronomist Thomas Jacques, went to Panyol with the dual objective of exploring the feasibility of carrying out urgent urgent work to protect the agricultural trail in certain high-risk areas, and to meet with women's planters to plan a commemorative activity as a prelude to International Women's Day.

The delegation was received with acclamation by the community stakeholders of the fact that a vehicle reached for the first time the Center of the village thanks to the new agricultural track length of 2.66 km in total

In addition, the projet of reconstruction of the Center of Classical Formation of Panyol https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-20007-icihaiti-panyol-laying-the-first-stone-of-the-classical-training-center.html making great strides and students will soon continue learning knowledge in a secure building.

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