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iciHaiti - Politics : «The Diaspora will have 3 deputies and a Senator...» dixit Jovenel Moïse
08/02/2017 10:12:54

iciHaiti - Politics : «The Diaspora will have 3 deputies and a Senator...» dixit Jovenel Moïse
President-elect Jovenel Moïse, who was sworn in on Tuesday https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-20030-haiti-inauguration-jovenel-moise-58th-president-of-haiti.html continues to advocate the inclusion in parliament of elected representatives of the Haitian diaspora, with more than 4 million citizens worldwide.

He explained a few hours before his investiture, that he saw 3 zones: North America (Canada, United States, Mexico); Europe (27 countries) and the Caribbean / Latin America. Each zone will be according to his vision, represented by a deputy and the Diaspora will also be able to elect a senator. "I say that the diaspora will have three deputies and one senator. "

However, beyond his political will, President Moïse will be able to implement this project only with an amendment to the Constitution, the support of the Parliament and of General Sectoral States of the Nation, which he intends to carry out in his first year of mandate.

IH/ iciHaiti

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