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iciHaiti - Weather : Risk of heavy accumulation of rain...
10/01/2017 08:03:06

iciHaiti - Weather : Risk of heavy accumulation of rain...
Monday, weather conditions in the Caribbean basin were dominated by a cold front in the northern Bahamas and a low-pressure zone in southern Jamaica, causing risk of rain and thunderstorms on Haiti especially on the far north during the night from Monday to Tuesday and possibly on Tuesday.

cant cumulative rainfall and strong winds, the National Center The passage of this very active front on the country can generate signifiof Weather (CNM) in conjunction with the SPGRD, the Directorate of Civil Protection (DPC) and the Service Maritime and Navigation of Haiti (SEMANAH), asks the population in areas at risk to take the necessary precautions and to apply the usual safety instructions.

There are possibilities of rain probably until Wednesday. The CNM and its partners urge people living in areas affected by floods and landslides to be vigilant "We asked them to contact mayors and other relevant local authorities to prepare to evacuate people living in areas at risk, if necessary," said Alta Jean-Baptiste, Director of Civil Protection.

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