
iciHaiti - Elections : Message from the Mexican Government 04/01/2017 08:42:58
In a note, the Government of Mexico, through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), "congratulates Jovenel Moïse for his victory in the presidential elections of 20 November 2016." https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-19698-haiti-presidential-2016-final-results-jovenel-moise-58th-president.html
In addition, "Mexico recognizes the work of the Haitian Government, in particular that of the Provisional Electoral Council and the international agencies involved in supporting and monitoring the electoral process to strengthen democracy in Haiti. It therefore urges all political actors in the country to accept the popular will expressed in the ballot boxes and leads in the respect of the law, so that the Haitian Nation can concentrate its efforts on the institutional strengthening and its return on the way of the social and economic development.
The Government of Mexico reiterates to the President-elect of Haiti its entire availability to strengthen the excellent relations of friendship and cooperation that have historically linked the two countries."
See also :
IH/ iciHaiti