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Haiti - Politics : Strengthening the integration of young graduates
03/12/2016 08:41:50

Haiti - Politics : Strengthening the integration of young graduates
As part of the implementation of the Skills for Youth Employment project financed by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), companies and staff from the Pilot Center for Vocational Training recently met in workshop, to lay the first stone of a partnership, with for aim the integration of young people in the labor market and better skills at the service of companies.

A workshop was organized at the initiative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Haiti (CCIH) and the Pilot Training Center, aimed at initiating a dialogue for the construction of a sustainable partnership aimed at reinforcing the employment of young graduates in the priority sectors identified at the pilot center (water and sanitation, electrical engineering, automotive mechanics and construction).

The meeting opened with a reflection of the needs expressed by the companies in terms of professions and technical skills. For some trades, Haitian companies are forced to import labor from abroad to fill the gaps in skilled technicians.

The exchanges made it possible to tackle subjects such as the confrontation of young people in training with reality on the ground through visits or more general as the business environment in Haiti. The importance of human skills and a sense of responsibility, in addition to technical skills, was a recurring theme of the debates.

Learn more about the Project :
Skills for youth employment is a project financed by the AFD to the tune of 5 million euros with the following objectives :

  • Ensure a supply of quality skills in the water and sanitation sector;
  • Rehabilitate and modernize the Pilot Center of the National Institute of Vocational Training (INFP) by creating more links between training offer and economic circles;
  • To strengthen the INFP's capacities in order to ensure the smooth running of the project and the sustainability of its effects through a real transfer of skills.

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