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Haiti - Petit-Goâve : Me Danton Léger makes social in prison
19/11/2016 09:41:07

Haiti - Petit-Goâve : Me Danton Léger makes social in prison
On Friday, the Commissioner of the Government of Port au Prince, Me Jean Danton Léger, provided humanitarian aid to the prisoners of the civil prison of the Commissariat of Petit-Goâve (food, clothing, soft drinks, detergents and other necessities).

The Commissioner was accompanied by a team of doctors and nurses who provided health care and left medicine to the prisoners, whose prison had several cases of cholera recently https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-19214-haiti-flash-emergency-decontamination-of-the-petit-goave-police-station.html

In addition, the Chief Prosecutor told Radio Préférence FM à propos des élections de dimanche « Zéro tolérance pour les fauteurs de troubles. Tonè kraze m map fouke tout vagabon kap vini bay problem nan eleksyon 20 novanm 2016 lan, se sèman sa a, Jean Danton Léger fè [...] » about the Sunday elections "Zero tolerance for troublemakers. Tonè kraze m map fouke tout vagabon kap vini bay problem nan eleksyon 20 novanm 2016 lan, se sèman sa a, Jean Danton Léger fè [...]"

IH/ iciHaiti / Guyto Mathieu (Correspondant Petit-Goâve)

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