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iciHaiti - Diaspora : The New York community is helping the Homeland
11/10/2016 09:25:33

iciHaiti - Diaspora : The New York community is helping the Homeland
Monday, a meeting was held between Jessy C. Petit-Frère, acting Minister of aitians Living Abroad (MHAVE) and the Chief of the Consul General of New York, Charles Hervé Augustave, visiting the country at the head of a delegation on an exploratory mission after the passage of Hurricane Matthew. Augustave wanted in particular inform the Minister of solidarity actions of the Diaspora and inquire about the sending mechanisms of donations to disaster victims.

The Minister a.i. Petit-Frère after having expressed her sympathies to the population in general and the diaspora in particular, whose families have been victims of Mathew, urged compatriots to unite to better coordinate disaster assistance. She advised to the Associations in the Diaspora to join forces to strengthen their actions.

Explaining that the MHAVE will take care to receive donations and equipment from the Diaspora to route them to the Civil Protection (DPC) that will decide the distribution area.

The Chief of the Consul General of New York, informed the Minister that a cell (Task Force) is already in place at the New York Consulate to collect donations from the diaspora https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-18891-haiti-news-zapping-politics.html

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