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iciHaiti - Washington : End of the International Reading Summit
11/09/2016 09:05:55

iciHaiti - Washington : End of the International Reading Summit
Friday ended the International Reading Summit held in Washington (from 7 to 9 September) and in which participated a Haitian delegation from the Ministry of National Education https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-18568-icihaiti-washington-a-haitian-delegation-at-the-international-reading-summit.html

According to Guy Serge Pompilus, a member of the Haitian delegation and Director of Training and Development at the Ministry, exchanges around learning in reading, indispensable for the acquisition of knowledge of other school subjects, with other foreign delegations including Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia and Cambodia has allowed Haiti to reach among others 3 essential aspects for learning to read :

1 - Develop an evaluation methodology allowing in particular to measure the progress in reading, the regularity and time in reading instruction;

2 - The importance of time that children must devote to reading and its regularity;

3 - The importance of time that has to spend every day the teacher in the classroom to learning to read for the benefit of the child.

S/ iciHaiti

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