
iciHaiti - Politic : High Level Meeting around the 11th EDF 10/08/2016 10:47:54
Tuesday, August 9 at the Primature, Prime Minister Enex Jean-Charles, accompanied by Daphnée Benoît Delsoin, Minister of Public Health and Population, Jean René Antoine Nicolas, Minister of Social Affairs and Labour, Pierre Guito Laurore, Minister of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development, the Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister, Lemercier Georges and of the General Secretary of the Prime Minister, Maridès Ménager Alexandre ; in he presence of representatives of the National Authorising Office of European Development Fund (BONFED), defined, the major Strategic orientations of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF), for the Food Security and Nutrition component (SAN).
The representative of BONDED, took the opportunity to present the situation of the governance in the Food Security and Nutrition component
IH/ iciHaiti