iciHaiti - Politic : Towards a legal framework for micro hydropower 11/07/2016 11:58:53 Carried out as part of the project "Micro-hydro" of UNDP and funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), this workshop was aimed at the creation of a critical mass for a legislation able to motivate the private sector and entrepreneurs to invest in the field of micro-hydroelectric plant, in order to develop the country's potential in this area. This framework workshop has the objective of sustainable development 7 (ODD 7) which aims to ensure access for all to reliable energy services, sustainable, modern, afforda Recall that according to a study in 2014 by AECOM, Haiti would have a hydropower potential untapped of 150 Mw, about 3 times the capacity of the central of Péligre. IH/ iciHaiti
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