iciHaiti - Society : Towards the transformation of Panyol (Video) 10/07/2016 10:02:21
The construction project of the agricultural road launched this week concerns the excavation and clearing for the construction of an agricultural track of 2.6 km linking the main road of Furcy to the village "Nan Panyol" (3rd communal section of Souçailles of the commune of Kenscoff). It also aims at the development of transport infrastructure to support growth and improve living conditions of the population towards the transformation of Panyol in "smart village".
The works are executed by the Haitian firm GS Group and are funded up to 50,000 US dollars by the Digicel Foundation.
"Dr. Louis G. Lamothe Foundation is pleased to thank the Mayor of Kenscoff, the Deputy of Kenscoff, the Board of Directors of the Communal Section of Souçailles, the Digicel Foundation, the Foundation Klowofil, GS Group, Selecto café Haïti, Télé Ginen, iciHaïti, HaïtiLibre and all players of Panyol for their civic involvement in the success, Wednesday, July 6, 2016, of the ceremony of the official launch of the construction of the agricultural road starting from Furcy to Panyol"