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iciHaiti - NOTICE Diaspora : Presentation on emergency preparedness
01/07/2016 09:03:33

iciHaiti - NOTICE Diaspora : Presentation on emergency preparedness
The Consulate of the Republic of Haiti in Orlando presents its compliments to Members of the Haitian Community of Central Florida and is pleased to invite them to a presentation on emergency preparedness that will be presented by Mr. Manny Soto City of Orlando Emergency Operation Center. The presentation will be held at the Consulate on July 7th 2016 starting at 5:30 p.m. located at 1616 East Colonial Drive Orlando, FL 32803.

The goal of this presentation is to put together a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) from the haitian community. Individuals will be trained on how to protect themselves, their loved ones and their communities in cases of emergencies. In addition, the training session will teach basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, disaster medical operation and will educate to disaster preparedness.

The training is free to all who register and at the end of the session a certificat of achievement will be delivered.

Please come and join us at. the Consulat for this unprecedented event. A free gift will be offered to the first ten (10) people who register to be part of the Haitian CERT Team.

Pour plus d’informations : 407-897-1262, ou par courriel cons.orlando@diplomatie.ht

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