
iciHaiti - Agriculture : Training for the benefit of peasants of Panyol 30/06/2016 11:14:10
On Wednesday, Dr. Louis G. Lamothe Foundation organized at offices in Petionville, together with Quick Learning Haiti/SOCOFORME, a training workshop on capacity building in favor of a dozen peasants (men and women) of Panyol (3rd communal section of Souçailles of the commune of Kenscoff), coming from 3 Associations of growers of this locality, "Youth Movement for the Development of Panyol" (MODEJEP), "Panyol Organization for Economic and Social Development" (OPDES) and "Fanm Kap Plant".
This training enabled participants to appropriate basic knowledge in entrepreneurship and development of business plans. It was also to provide the basics needed to start their own income generating activities and help them seize business opportunities.
Dr. Louis G. Lamothe Foundation intends to implement all its capabilities in order to continue to offer its support to the inhabitants of Panyol in view of their development.
See also :
IH/ iciHaiti