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iciHaiti - Literature : Chat with Haitian writer Makenzy Orcel
22/06/2016 10:14:04

iciHaiti - Literature : Chat with Haitian writer Makenzy Orcel
At the initiative of Marc-Aurèle Garcia, the Minister of Culture and Communication, the Haitian writer Makenzy Orcel met recently with the press of his literary career and his work as a writer in particular around his novel "Les latrines".

For Makenzy Orcel, "all talent comes from an internal spark, personal that pushes to move forward and excel." He support than any talent must be exploited and expanded, which is why, he said "it is necessary to read other authors and enrich its knowledge."

Author of novels, "Les immortelles", "Les latrines" and "L’ombre animal", Orcel asserts that began to scribble early of poems on the school benches.

According Makenzy Orcel, "a writer must have some freedom to play with words, language and even the reality that we face [...] A writer modifies, transforms, metamorphosis and creates, he is part of his journey in life through his pen and paper."

The talk was attended by Jean Michel Lapin, Director General of the Ministry and Edwin Parison Chief of Staff of the Minister. Recall that Makenzy Orcel received 4 Prize for his novel "L’ombre animale" published in January 2016 by Editions Zulma, including the Louis Guilloux Price 2016 last April. https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-17257-icihaiti-literature-the-writer-makenzy-orcel-laureate-of-prix-louis-guilloux-2016.html

Learn more about Makenzy Orcel :
Makenzy Orcel was born in Haiti in 1983. After studies in linguistics, he left the university to devote himself to writing. Following the earthquake in January 2010, he wrote his first novel "Les immortelles" for which he received the Prix Thyde-Monnier from the "société des Gens de lettres". In 2011, he published "Les latrines" n which he continues his exploration of the lowlands, in the maze of slums of Port-au-Prince. In 2012, the Reflection and Action Group for a New Haiti (GRAHN) awarded him the French-speaking Literature of the year Prize. In January 2016, he published his third novel "L'ombre animale" to Zulma Editions.

S/ iciHaiti

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