
iciHaiti - Agriculture : $46M for the relaunching of the coffee sector 16/06/2016 11:37:53
Given the strategic importance of the coffee sector in the preservation and protection of the environment, including at ecosystem level of wet and semi-humid mountains of Haiti and despite its decline, the coffee continuing to play an important economic role in Haiti.
In view of the relaunch of this sector in Haiti, a meeting was held between the Ministry of Agriculture, officials of the National Institute of Haitian Coffee (INCAH) and several other actors working in the coffee sector.
This recovery plan focuses on four areas: governance, research and training, production and infrastructure and market is estimated at $46 million (2016 to 2026) including $36 million during the first 3 years
The Ministry intends to mobilize available resources and seek the participation of all partners in the implementation of the Recovery Plan of the Coffee Sector.
See also :
SL/ iciHaiti