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iciHaiti - Sports : Launching of work for the first baseball field in Haiti
04/05/2016 09:54:30

iciHaiti - Sports : Launching of work for the first baseball field in Haiti
Following the visit of a large delegation of the Jack Brewer Foundation (JBF) as part of the Baseball implementation process in Haiti, https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-17135-haiti-sports-partnership-for-the-development-of-baseball-in-haiti.html the Haitian Association of Baseball and Softball (AHBS) confirmed the launch of the construction works of the first baseball field in Haiti to Croix-des-Bouquets.

Gardy Cyriaque Prophète, the President of the AHBS
indicated that it is the Haitian company Panexus S.A., that will handle the flattening of the ground, the first stage of operations. He also said that if the funding promises materialize https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-17165-haiti-sports-sports-cooperation-with-taiwan.html , a second field is envisaged to the multisport Olympic Park of Port-au-Prince, called "Sport Centre for Hope, Haiti" and a 3rd on the former air base (base d’aviation).

According to the estimates of the President, there are currently 600 young people across the metropolitan area that would practice baseball.

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