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iciHaiti - Health : Positive assessment of National Ambulance Centre
18/04/2016 10:10:14

iciHaiti - Health : Positive assessment of National Ambulance Centre
Since its entry into operation in 2012, https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-4831-haiti-health-new-public-network-of-ambulance-to-respond-to-emergencies.html the National Ambulance Centre (CAN) in partnership with the Haitian Red Cross, the National Police of Haiti, the fire department and the Civil Protection has supported near 73,000 cases [9,543 in 2012, 18,122 in 2013, 23,080 in 2014, 18.996 in 2015 and 3,155 cases in 2016 from January to March].

CAN, located at # 1 Avenue Maïs Gaté, comes from a tripartite agreement signed on March 27, 2010 between Haiti, Cuba and Brazil. Started with a donation of 30 ambulances https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-3623-haiti-health-30-ambulances-and-360-tons-of-medicines-donation-of-brazil.html the CAN is today present in 7 departments with about 700 employees across the country and 72 ambulances in total (with their medical staff) https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-16915-haiti-health-national-ambulance-centre-already-4-years-of-existence.html

To meet the needs of the population 24/7, CAN has 13 phone ines including 3 numbers to be used only in emergencies: 114, 116 and 118.

IH/ iciHaiti

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