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iciHaiti - Security : Navigation Course for the special forces of the PNH
09/04/2016 11:01:15

iciHaiti - Security : Navigation Course for the special forces of the PNH
During 2 days the Civil Engineering Company of the Brazilian Peace Force (BRAENGCOY) gave in Haiti, a navigation training with military inflatable boats, to a special forces team of the National Police of Haiti (PNH) who will participate in the "Força Comandos", an international competition that brings together the special forces of several countries in May in Peru.

The first day of training began with an overview of security standards and testing lifejackets followed by navigation instructions before starting exercises on Lake Azuei (30 km to the East of the capital).

The second day took place in the Bay of Gonaïves, winds and ocean currents have significantly increased the difficulties compared to the first day. In addition to navigation, the team of Special Forces learned scooping technique that consists in reversing the boat and then return it, back on board and remove the excess water in the boat.

This training with an emphasis on competition, was made at the request of the United Nations Police (UNPOL) and of Head of Operations U3) of the military component of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), in order to form a force of trainer agents to enable the PNH to act by itself after the departure of Haiti, of military and police components of the MINUSTAH.

SL/ iciHaiti

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