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iciHaiti - FLASH : Provisional assessment of floods
01/03/2016 09:09:29

iciHaiti - FLASH : Provisional assessment of floods
Following the torrential rains caused by the passage of a cold front that hit Haiti on Sunday and Monday, especially in the department of Grande Anse (southwest) and also in the North to Cap Haitien and its region, the Directorate of Civil Protection (DPC) reported in a preliminary assessment :

In the North :
Bordering neighborhoods of the river Haut-du-Cap are flooded;

A landslide caused the destruction of one house and damaged three houses in Port-de-Paix (Northwest);

Assessments of the mid-day (Monday) reported at least 2,000 homes flooded in Limonade, where it rained again Sunday night. Field teams are continuing assessments after the rains of the night from Sunday to Monday;

Many damages are recorded in agriculture. For its part the town of Cap-Haitien and Public Works intervened on the bridge of the street 5 to allow water drainage.

In the South :
One death is to be deplored in Dame Marie (Grand Anse). 4 people are missing at the department level. Three of the missing are fishermen of Anse d'Hainault, the fourth is a water passer (transport on their backs) in Dame Marie.

"A special thought this morning for our compatriots who are under water following the rainy showers this weekend," declared the former First Lady Sophia Martelly.

IH/ iciHaiti

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