iciHaiti - Crisis : OAS mission met with members of the Senate 02/02/2016 09:37:25 Ronald Sanders from the outset clarified "Our mission is not to interfere in Haitian affairs and impose a solution," explaining in detail later that the purpose of their presence in Haiti was to listen the Ronald Sanders from the outset clarified "Our mission is not to interfere in Haitian affairs and impose a solution," explaining in detail later that the purpose of their presence in Haiti was to listendrafting and presentation of a summary report to the OAS on Haiti's political situation and ways of possible solutions. Some Senators including Carl Murat Cantave (KID), Jean-Baptiste Bien-aimé (ALTERNATIVE), Evallière Beauplan (PONT) and Antonio Chéramy (VERITE) mentioned the negative perception of the Haitian people vis-a-vis the OAS, recalling to the members of the delegation, the need for a haitian solution to the crisis. Further senators reiterated that Haiti was not just a member of the OAS, but can and should be considered as one of the countries that gave birth to this hemispheric Organization. See also : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-16488-haiti-politic-constructive-discussions-with-the-oas.html IH/ iciHaiti
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