iciHaiti - Petit-Goâve : Me Beneche accuses UDMO agents to have assassinated his brother 01/02/2016 11:07:49 "I hold good information on the circumstances of the death of my brother... He was shot twice in the head by security forces while returning from the New York disco (zone Belle Avenue). We condemn with all our strength this murder that the police of Petit-Goâve made on my brother, because we believe that even if a citizen has a problem with another citizen, this gives them no rights or authority to decided to withdraw the life of a citizen [...] we believe that this action looks like two drops of water to a planned action," declared Me Frederic Beneche, convinced that this is a political act that has nothing to do with insecurity, he announced his intention to file a complaint against the police station of Petit-Goâve. HL/ HaitiLibre / Guyto Mathieu (Correspondant Petit-Goâve)
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