
iciHaiti - Zika Virus : The Dominican Republic reinforces its health surveillance 17/01/2016 10:33:47
The Government of the Dominican Republic increased health surveillance at border points, seaports, airports and cruise ships, after the official confirmation of the presence of Zika Virus in Haiti. https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-16333-haiti-flash-5-cases-officially-confirmed-of-zika-fever-in-haiti.html
According to the Ministry of Public Health of the Dominican Republic, are implemented prevention measures in border provinces with Haiti because it has already been confirmed at least one indigenous case of this virus.
Jose Manuel Puello Director General of the Ministry of Public Health of the Dominican Republic, stressed that the best way to prevent Zika was the elimination of breeding sites of mosquitoes, the virus vectors.
SL/ iciHaiti