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iciHaiti - Petit Goâve : Keys handover to 13 beneficiary families
13/01/2016 10:39:20

iciHaiti - Petit Goâve : Keys handover to 13 beneficiary families
Tuesday in Petit Goâve, in the framework of the commemoration of the 6th anniversary of the earthquake of January 12, 2010, several NGOs and active development stakeholders in the region (Welthungerhilfe, Help - Hilfe Zur Selbsthilfe eV ASB, Helvetas, ADRA Haiti, Cooperation Switzerland), the decentralized services and the civil protection, have awareness the population on natural hazards, particularly earthquakes.

"Building and act better" was the theme for this day of commemoration. A theme that was intended as a kind of invitation to a daily support from the experience of January 12, 2010. This day was punctuated by theatrical performances, choreographies of folk dances, panel discussions, songs and simulation games related to "good saving gestures" as well as photo exhibitions and distribution of awareness materials. This event allowed the public to objectively take the pulse of the dangers surrounding natural environment and see, at the same time, what behavior to have to avoid them, protect themselves and adapt to them.

This form of "positive popular mobilization" brought together institutions such as schools, churches, public and private institutions, the press, community leaders and state authorities. It enabled participants to measure the "natural hazards" to which is exposed the Goâvienne region in particular and consisted, at the same time to instill the sense of "well-build and act well", that is to say the faculty to built according to modern standards and, therefore, maintain a good neighborly relationship with its immediate natural environment.

The Welthungerhilfe NGO and the EU took the opportunity to hand over the keys of their house to 13 beneficiary families of the "Integrated Project of Planning and Urban Development of Petit-Goâve" The Ambassador of the European Union, Vincent Degert declared ""I am pleased that today we can provide new homes to thirteen families who join twenty other families who had already received in the context of ur efforts with Welthungerhilfe in Petit-Goâve."

Let's recall that after this project, lasting 3 1/2 years (launched in February 2013), implemented by the NGO Welthungerhilfe in partnership with Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe eV in the city center and Fort-Liberté neighborhood of Petit Goâve, 163 families will get a house built or repaired/strengthened according to seismic standards and para-cyclonic. It is a component of an overall redevelopment project of neighborhoods, as part of the PARAQ, funded at 80% by the European Union with a total budget of nearly 5 million.

Construction and repair of housing are divided into two phases: during the first, 48 houses are built and repaired 60; during the second, 25 houses will be built and 30 houses repaired. ote that the beneficiary families contribute up to 10% of the amount allocated to the construction or repair of houses.

Learn more about "Welthungerhilfe" :
The German NGO "Welthungerhilfe" (founded in 1962), working in Haiti since 1975. Its objective is to provide a contribution to the sustainable improvement of food security and living conditions of strata of rural population most affected by poverty

Learn more about Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe eV :
"Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe eV" is a German NGO present in Haiti following the earthquake of 12 January 2010. Today, it is operational in over 15 countries. In Haiti, it has already carried out the construction projects of shelter and housing, of food security, vocational training, health and hygiene (WASH) and other public infrastructure.

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