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iciHaiti - FLASH : Wanted, the Consulate of Orlando needs your help !
08/01/2016 08:53:09

iciHaiti - FLASH : Wanted, the Consulate of Orlando needs your help !
Update : The Consulate of the Republic of Haiti was able to locate the Gabriel family members thanks to your help

The Consulate of the Republic of Haiti in Orlando presents its compliments to the Haitian Community all throughout the State of Florida and would like to ask for their help in locating family members or anybody with information concerning a Haitian National by the name of Gabriel Gerard born on November 5, 1952, he may have lived in Miami or Fort Lauderdale sometime in 2003.

Anyone with information should contact the Consulate of Haiti in Orlando either via tel. at 407-897-1262 or email cons.orlando@diplomatie.htorfaceboook.com/consulathaitiorland You could also contact the Consulate of Haiti in Miami by phone 305-859-2003 or email cg.miami@diplomatie.ht

The Consulate takes this opportunity to reiterate to everyone the assurance of its highest consideration.

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