
iciHaiti - Education : News from our students in Mexico 28/12/2015 09:33:55
Three young Haitian students Armand Déménard Gardy, Dugue Jeffrey Wilslow M. and Pierre Dens, were welcomed to the Technological University of Sierra Hidalguense (UTSH) in Mexico, to continue their engineering studies in information technology and communication. These three students are part of the special program 300 scholarships for Haiti https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-16043-icihaiti-mexico-the-students-of-the-3rd-promotion-of-scholars-ready-to-join-their-universities.html to which are participating the Mexican Ministries of Public Education (SEP) and Foreign Affairs (SRE) through the Mexican Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AMEXCID) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Haiti.
The management staff and teachers of liaison and socio-cultural training on behalf of the head of the Rectorate of the UTSH, welcomed Haitian students and accompanied them on a tour of the classrooms, workshops, laboratories and other facilities of this higher-level institution.
The three Haitian students will remain at UTSH until 2019, end of their engineering studies.
IH/ iciHaiti