
iciHaïti - Mexico : The students of the 3rd promotion of scholars ready to join their universities 13/12/2015 09:34:56
Last Thursday in Taxco, in Guerrero state (Mexico), 104 Haitian scholarship holders of the 3rd promotion https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-15074-haiti-education-104-haitian-scholars-en-route-to-mexico.html have successfully completed their course of learning Spanish in Taxco Education Centre to the great satisfaction of their parents and the Embassy of Haiti staff in Mexico City. From January 2016, these young people will join the university of their choice.
With this 3rd promotion ends the cooperation program "300 becas para Haiti" signed November 26, 2012 between the Haitian government and Mexican https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-13409-haiti-notice-104-scholarships-for-mexico-call-for-candidates.html
From January 2016 the 300 Haitian students will all be to studies in Mexican universities.

See also :
IH/ iciHaiti