
iciHaiti - Economy : Official Launch of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Haitiano-Panamanian 30/11/2015 10:08:32
This Monday, November 30 at the Hotel El Rancho, to mark the 70th anniversary of relations between Haiti and Panama, the Embassy of Panama, will proceed to the official launch of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Haitiano-Panamanian (CCIHP).
A structure that will have essentially for mission to rework Panama's commercial image in Haiti. After the launch, a delegation of Haitian businessmen should go to Panama to participate in the EXPOCOMER, the most important commercial showcase of the entire region.
Note that this launch was originally scheduled Monday, November 9th and had to be canceled due to socio-political unrest... https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-15701-icihaiti-economy-70-years-of-diplomatic-and-trade-relations-between-haiti-and-panama.html
IH/ iciHaiti