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iciHaïti - Justice : New Government Commissioner at the Court of Cassation
24/11/2015 10:01:04

iciHaïti - Justice : New Government Commissioner at the Court of Cassation
Me René Sylvestre, the new Government Commissioner at the Court of Cassation was sworn in the new premises of the Court (Champ de Mars). He served for a few months, the functions of  substitute  Government Commissioner at the Court of Cassation and replaces Me Thiers Malette, who retired after 22 years of career in the judiciary.

In his remarks for the occasion, the new Government Commissioner, addressing his colleagues Magistrates said "Rest assured, I will be like a brother to you [...] we will work together to enhance the splendor of the Court , I am not a confrontational magistrate, I will never, I will never take a decision concerning the prosecutor without consulting you first. I tend to all the Court staff an olive branch, we must have a spirit of dialogue, concord and solidarity [...]"

Learn more about Me René Sylvestre :
Native of Saint-Marc (Artibonite), René Sylvestre, after obtaining his law degree, joined the judiciary in 1995 as a substitute for Government Commissioner (land section) of the Court of First Instance (CFI) of St. Marc. Between 1998 and 2004 he was successively Government Commissioner, Judge to the land section, the Judge/Dean to the CFI of St Marc before to be promoted judge to the Court of Appeal of Gonaives.

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