
iciHaiti - Economy : 1 billion Gourdes in support to SMEs 10/11/2015 08:46:07
As part of the 2015-2016 budget, in support to the economic recovery, is provided an amount of one billion gourdes in support of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in particular for :
- Increase access to credit for SMEs ;
- Increase the number of SMEs ;
- Increase the production and availability of locally produced goods ;
- Strengthen the existing program that already includes a credit fund of 200 million Gdes currently managed by the Industrial Development Fund (IDF) and oriented towards:
- A loan guarantee fund for public transport service companies (47 millions) which complements tariff exemptions on public transport vehicles (measure already adopted in the amending budget 2014-2015)
- A program agribusiness providing loans 1- 10 million to agricultural companies operating at least 10 hectares (This program currently has nearly thirty registered SMEs) ;
- Raising the credit limit to 40 million Gdes to accommodate larger projects and expand the areas and nature of SME projects (AESP / MCI / FDI) (200 million gourdes).
- Providing loans of 1 million gourdes maximum for small businesses.
IH/ iciHaiti