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iciHaiti - Social : Month of Disability Calendar
06/11/2015 09:53:40

iciHaiti - Social : Month of Disability Calendar
As part of the "Month of Disability" launched on Tuesday, https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-15676-icihaiti-social-launch-of-month-of-disability.html the Office of the Secretary of State for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities (BSEIPH) and its partners will organize various activities including :

November 13: Open Day of BSEIPH (street Senghor - Nazon)
November 13: Craft Fair;
November 16: Inauguration of project "Transport for All";
November 23 to 27: Awareness Tour in schools,
December 2: Inauguration of project "handicap signs";
December 3: Official ceremony of the International Day of Disabled Persons

The highlight of this month of disability is the caravan of inclusion, which will stop in Jacmel November 16, November 17 in Les Cayes, Jérémie November 19, in Hinche on November 23, in Cap Haitien on 25 November, November 26 in Gonaïves and Port-au-Prince (Champ de Mars), November 28.

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