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iciHaiti - Cycling : Palmares of the race of the Emperor
20/10/2015 12:46:07

iciHaiti - Cycling : Palmares of the race of the Emperor
Sunday, Jimmy Albert, the Minister of Youth, Sports and Civic Action, Jean Max Saint Albin Director General of the Ministry and members of their cabinet, attended the race of the Emperor (60 km) organized by Haitian Cycling Federation (FHC) and supported by the Ministry where 34 cyclists among others came from Les Cayes, Léogâne, Cap Haitien and St. Marc, made 20 laps of the path "Rue Capois - Rue de la République - Rue Oswald Durand - Ave. Magny - Ave. Magloire Ambroise - Rue Nicolas - Rue Capois".

After an hour and 50 minutes of racing, the first 5 riders on the finish line are :

1st Joseph Jn Willy #5
2nd Augustin Jameson #6
3rd acky Prenelus #7
4th Appolon Francy #26
5th Jude K. Estimable #1

A brass band, majorettes and a body of honor marched on the course to salute the memory of Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Father of the Nation and adepts of Kyokushinkai (full contact Karate) offered the public an impressive demonstration of their art.

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