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iciHaiti - Agriculture : Strengthening of cheese production in the country
19/10/2015 13:07:09

iciHaiti - Agriculture : Strengthening of cheese production in the country
The Ministry of Agriculture of Haiti in collaboration with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Haitian NGO "Veterimed" organized a 4-days theoretical and practical training seminar to strengthen cheese production in Haiti.

A dozen technicians of dairies of Network Let Agogoof Verettes, Petit-Goâve, Côtes-de-Fer, Croix-des-Bouquets, Thomazeau, Torbeck, Hinche, Gressier, attended the training to thje dairy of Thomazeau.

The objectives of this training, aimed in particular the training and retraining of staff of dairies on the manufacture of Gouda and Cheddar cheese ; increasing the capacity of dairies to absorb milk coming from producers and diversification of dairy product lines manufactured by dairies to avoid stopping production.

Furthermore various problems of the sector were discussed such as: milk surplus during the wet season and holidays; remote distances between some raw milk producing areas and areas of consumption of fresh dairy products and lack or almost absence of electricity.

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