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iciHaiti - Environnement : Climate Change, exemplary stakeholders...
14/10/2015 11:27:53

iciHaiti - Environnement : Climate Change, exemplary stakeholders...
In the perspective of the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP 21) to be held in Paris from 30 November to 11 December 2015, the French Institute in Haiti (IFH) and Knowledge and Freedom Foundation (FOKAL) propose to gather during one week from October 19 to 23 2015, of exemplary stakeholders in terms of environmental initiatives, coming from Haiti and elsewhere.

Scientists, students, representatives of business organizations, entrepreneurs, creators, public policy experts will speak and share their actions and visions around thematic roundtables to follow every day, between IFH and FOKAL.

Workshops, concerts, screenings, exhibitions and shows will beas many other activities to find throughout the week and the month of October to change our perspectives on the environment.

Download the calendar of the week : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/Programme-changement-climatique.pdf

Download all details of activitiess : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/Cycle-conferences-environnement.pdf

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