
iciHaiti - Literature : An International Symposium dedicated to Dany Laferrière 13/10/2015 10:55:02
Under the patronage of the French Academy, an international symposium dedicated to the Haitian academic Dany Laferrière. For the first time, from Italy, Quebec, the US and Europe, many experts will examine the poetry of the new Academician came from Haiti, whose literary work is one of the most important of beginning of our twenty-first century.
The conference will be held at the Sorbonne, Salle des Actes of 16 to 17 October 2015, from 9h00 am to 6h00 pm event FREE and without reservation, for more information contact by email romuald.fonkoua@paris-sorbonne.fr or florianalix@hotmail.fr
Download the program : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/Programme2Laferrriere-071015-3.pdf
See also :
https://www.haitilibre.com/article-14038-haiti-litterature-dany-laferriere-a-l-academie-francaise-discours.html (in french)
IH/ iciHaiti