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28/09/2015 10:20:55

iciHaiti - Culture : Towards the creation of the School of Humour of Haiti...
At a meeting between the officials of the Consulate General of Haiti in Montreal and those of the National School of Humour of Montreal, the new Consul Kurdy Larèche, acting Chief of Position confirmed the will of the Haitian Government to carry through the memorandum of understanding signed, there are two years between the National School of Humour of Montreal and the Ministry of Culture of Haiti, for the creation of the National School of humor of Haiti with the support of the Festival "Just for laugh".

The Consul Larèche is committed to follow up the next steps that will lead to the inauguration of the National School of Humour in Haiti namely: the recognition of the National School of Humor of Haiti by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training; the preparation with the National School of Humour of Montreal, of the operational budget of the National School of Humor of Haiti; choose and lead the efforts to find premises to accommodate this school in Haiti and intervene with the Ministry of Culture of Haiti, to release funds (travel, accommodation and per diem) allowing a group of five humorists to come in training of trainer for three weeks in Montreal.

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