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iciHaiti - Social : Preliminary draft law on universal accessibility standards
25/09/2015 09:52:40

iciHaiti - Social : Preliminary draft law on universal accessibility standards
The Ministry of Public Works and the Office of the Secretary of State (Gérald Oriol Jr.) for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities (BSEIPH) have organized with the support of the Organization of American States (OAS) and Christian Blind Mission (CBM), a consultation workshop with executives of government around a draft law on universal accessibility standards.

This draft law wants to mandate certain construction methods, which are now optional, in order to make accessible to disabled people, spaces and buildings open to the public such as: roads, amenities, housing and habitat, schools and universities, health centers and hospitals.

The Secretary of State Oriol Jr. is convinced that "taking into account the special needs of people with disabilities will have a positive impact on national development, as it will allow us to rethink the future in line with accessibility for all !"

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