
iciHaiti - Education : Bac special session, Distribution of candidates 16/08/2015 11:18:50
The Ministry of National Education recalls that the special session of the baccalaureate exams (Philo) will be held as scheduled from 17 to 20 August 2015 through the 10 academic departments. A total of 29.671 candidates are expected to attend the exams https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-14842-haiti-notice-bac-special-session-important-information.html Note that candidates will compose only on matters for which they have not got their average.
Distribution of candidates by Department :
South: 906;
Artibonite: 1,564;
Grand'Anse: 645;
Nippes: 512;
Centre: 1,272;
Northwest: 1,416;
West: 19,293;
East: 438;
Northeast: 499;
North: 3,126;
Total National : 29,671
To know your Exam Centre :
IH/ iciHaiti