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iciHaiti - Education : Towards the standardization of Creole in schools
18/07/2015 14:08:22

iciHaiti - Education : Towards the standardization of Creole in schools
A memorandum of understanding was signed recently between Nesmy Manigat, the Minister of National Education and Pastor Pauris Jean-Baptiste, Chairman of the Board of the Creole Academy. This agreement marks the launch of a partnership between the Ministry and the Creole Academy, which works to promote the Creole and language law in Haiti.

For the pastor Pauris Jean-Baptiste "this MoU aims the development of the language in the Haitian education system; the standardization of writing of Creole and the formalization of grammar concepts related to language; the physical assessment of the Creole language and Creole teacher training around the didactic principles of the mother tongue."

Abundant in the same direction, the Minister Manigat declared "Today, the Ministry decided to improve the system on scientific bases, which demonstrated that learning happens starting from the mother tongue," stressing that "research have shown that children learn better and faster in their native language. And this language prepares the child to learn more easily others languages [...] This work continued must be continued until the effective modernization of the Haitian education system."

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