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iciHaiti - Technology : Training on the use of the Central File
17/07/2015 10:43:35

iciHaiti - Technology : Training on the use of the Central File
As part of the modernization of the public administration, the Inter-ministerial System of Human Resources Management (SIGRH) commonly known as Central File is finalized since March 2015 and is already available in more than 50 institutions in the public administration.

In order to facilitate this Central Fle is finalized since March 2015 and is already available in more than 50 institutions in the public administration.

In order to facilitate this appropriation, public officials allowed to manage this system will benefit for a period of three months (July-September 2015), of the direct accompaniment of the team of the Office of Management and Human Resources (OMRH) and technicians of SOLUTIONS SA, to master the functionality of SIGRH and how to use it according to their responsibility.

These public servants will learn including to : entering data; use the various screens related to operating activities of the GRH ; check the information entered as part of system functionality; identify anomalies in the data or the ways of doing and help correct them.

This initiative will enable public institutions to perform, from the month of October of this year, all human resources management-related operations using the SIGRH which was designed for this purpose.

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