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iciHaiti - Religion : Mgr. Max Leroy Mésidor will receive his pallium
28/06/2015 10:27:03

iciHaiti - Religion : Mgr. Max Leroy Mésidor will receive his pallium
Monday, 46 archbishops appointed by Pope Francis in the last year, will receive their Pallium imposed by the Holy Father every June 29, the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul in the Vatican Basilica.

Among the 46 archbishops there is a Haitian, Mgr. Max Leroy Mésidor, Archbishop of Cap-Haitien, born January 6, 1962 in St. Marc, department of Artibonite, ordained priest in 1998 for the Diocese of Gonaives. June 9, 2012 Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Bishop of Fort-Liberté. He received episcopal ordination July 28, 2012 by Archbishop Bernardito Auza, apostolic nuncio in Haiti. Barely a year later, the pope François appointed him coadjutor archbishop of Cap-Haitien, with Bishop Louis Kébreau then aged nearly 75 years. He succeeded him a year later, November 22, 2014.

Learn more about the Pallium :
The Pallium is a Catholic liturgical ornament whose teh wearing, on the chasuble, is reserved to the pope, the primates and metropolitan archbishops during the celebration of Mass. It comes from the Latin pallium, meaning cloak.

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