
iciHaiti - Education : 78,374 candidates to the BAC 26/06/2015 12:11:21
The examinations of the "single BAC", now exams of end of secondary education, will take place from Monday June 29 to Friday, July 3, 2015 through the country's 10 geographical departments https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-13724-haiti-notice-the-evaluations-replace-the-exams-of-6th-af-and-the-bac-1st-part.html 78,374 candidates should undergo these official exams.
For the smooth conduct of examinations, the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) invites candidates to respect the instructions, including the wearing of uniform that is highly recommended this year and the strict prohibition of bring cell phones into the examination centers.
Calendar and schedules of BAC :

The Ministry invites students candidates to devote the weekend before exams to revisions.
IH/ iciHaiti