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Haiti - Dominican Republic : Technology at the service of repatriations
22/06/2015 13:08:08

Haiti - Dominican Republic : Technology at the service of repatriations
Saturday, Luis Fernandez, the Deputy Minister for Migration has delivered to Major General Rubén Darío Paulino Sem of the General Directorate of Immigration (DGM), a lot of computers, of bar code readers as well as the database of those registered at the National Plan of Regularization of Foreigners (PNRE). These equipments are needed to verify the authenticity of certificates and certifications that were issued by the Ministry of Interior and the police to foreigners who applied to qualify for PNRE.

This phase II of the regulation plan will help identify the unregistered persons who are in an irregular migratory situation in the Dominican Republic, to be repatriated to their country of origin.

In addition, Fernandez indicated that in the coming days the Ministry of Interior and Police will deliver a minivan fleet equipped with computer device, to be used in documents verification operation, he also clarified that all PNRE offices, also has the equipment to verify the identity of persons and ensure that they are well registered and detect fraud.

S/ iciHaiti

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