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iciHaiti - Social : Twenty illegal Haitian arrested in Peru
14/06/2015 13:48:27

iciHaiti - Social : Twenty illegal Haitian arrested in Peru
Friday in Peru, at least 17 people from Haiti, were arrested while they were at the terminal "Las Capullanas" about to board a bus to go to Lima. When the Peruvian authorities asked for their travel document, they found no immigration visa.

Police said that these illegal migrants were entered in the border district of Lancones and wanted to travel to Lima, and from there reach the border of Iñapari (Madre de Dios) with Brazil.

According to the Peruvian Office of State Security, since the beginning of the year, units of the Police Division of Sullana (city in northern Peru) arrested 440 foreigners, mostly from Haiti but also from Senegal and some Ecuadorians.

S/ iciHaiti

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