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02/06/2015 15:01:28

iciHaiti - Social : Tens of thousands of Haitians in DR abandoned by Haiti...
Tens of thousands of Haitians, some speak of 200,000 or more, will not benefit of the National Plan for the Regularization of Foreigners (PNRE) living in an irregular migratory situation, set up by the Dominican Republic, because the Haitian authorities are unable to provide them with identification documents (birth certificates, identity cards and passports) required to take the first step of PNRE, namely registration.

Every day, hundreds of Haitians are trying to enroll in one of 20 offices of PNRE spread across the Dominican territory and most fail because of being able to identify legally, while enrollment in PNRE ends June 17, 2015 at 4 p.m.

Pastor Yonny Balcu of the Churches of God, who has spent several months working as a translator and to help Haitian in a regulation office, confirms that the main problem that our compatriots are facing is the lack of documents. It seems that neither the Embassy nor Consulates are not able to respond to requests for documents in predictable delays. Some Haitians must wait five months and more to get a simple birth certificate, others give up discouraged after too many months waiting for an identity card or passport and promises never kept of Haitian authorities.

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