
iciHaiti - Tourism : The President Francois Hollande amazed... 14/05/2015 11:28:50
Tuesday, French President Francois Hollande, invited by Émilie Jessy Menos, the Secretary of State for Tourism and Creative Industries (MTIC), visited an exhibition of Haitian craft products at the Karibe Convention Center. President Hollande and other members of his delegation have been amazed of Haitian works, front of the creative craftsmen who were there.
Also the same day, Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin, the Minister of Tourism, accompanied in the morning Francois Hollande at the National Pantheon Museum for a tour and return in our history. Tour that was followed by a bilateral meeting on Haitian tourism sector between the Tourism Minister and his French counterpart, Matthias Fekl.
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IH/ iciHaiti