
iciHaiti - Culture : Visit of Michel Philippe Lerebours at MUPANAH 13/05/2015 06:07:34
The art historian, Dr. Michel Philippe Lerebours, recently visited the exhibition "The Great Masters of the Popular Haitian Art: 1945 - 1970"
https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-13748-icihaiti-culture-exhibition-the-great-masters-of-folk-arts-1945-1970.html accompanied by his former students, Camille Louis and Dukernst Biamby respectively, Conservation Director and Head of the Collections Service of the Haitian National Pantheon Museum (MUPANAH)
Recall that Dr. Michel Philippe Lerebours was part of the technical staff of the Board of the National Institute of Haitian Culture and Arts (INAHCA) in 1983, in charge of Artistic Affairs and Director General of the National School of Arts (ENARTS).
IH / iciHaiti