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iciHaiti - Politic : Respect, civility towards the flag
13/05/2015 05:26:18

iciHaiti - Politic : Respect, civility towards the flag
In the perspective of the celebration of Flag Day on May 18, Rothchild François Jr. Minister of Communication, encourages people to cultivate civility and respect for the flag.

Furthermore, the Minister, on behalf of the Government invited members of the media to continue their work of informing and training, including on the
civility and invited them to encourage the population, on the occasion of the 212nd anniversary of the National bicolor, to cultivate greater respect, commitment and loyalty to the flag by broadcasting daily at 8:00 am, the National Anthem.

Rothchild François Jr. said to be convinced that by respecting the flag and the national anthem, it is possible to guarantee the republican and civic virtues and strengthen our identity link of people.

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