
iciHaiti - Justice : 5 announcements of BHDA 13/05/2015 04:36:30
At the end of the celebration of the week of Intellectual Property the Haitian Bureau of Copyright BHDA made public 5 announcements as part of its advanced in Haiti.
- SSigning of a Memorandum of Understanding for the respect of Copyright between BHDA and Radio Télévision Nationale d'Haiti (RTNH);
- Submission to the Presidency of the Enforcement Decree of the Article 45 of the 2005 Decree on private copying ;
- Negotiations with the mobile phone company Digicel regarding the use for embedded ringtones of works under right it uses ;
- Official integration of BHDA as a member of the "Association of Caribbean Copyrigh Societies" (ACCS);
- Implementation of an agreement already signed with the National Directorate of Books, for the implantation of BHDA cell in reading and cultural activity centers (CLAC).
IH/ iciHaiti