Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 11/04/2015 13:53:17 Victor Benoit, the Minister of Social Affairs and Labour announced immediate measures to help the young unemployed. To this end, the Government will provide grants for short courses, particularly in the sectors of : construction and repair of computers and mobile phones. In addition, young people will also benefit from an introduction to entrepreneurship. Illumination Project of the Citadelle Thursday Dithny Joan Raton, the Minister of Culture had a follow up meeting with Patrick Durandis, General Director of the National Heritage Preservation Institute (ISPAN) and engineer-electrician, Jules-André Joseph around the lighting project of the Citadelle, which could be seen (in the evening) from the harbor of Cap-Haitien. The resignation of Brutus will not affect bilateral relations The Embassy of Haiti in the Dominican Republic, informs in a diplomatic note, "that the resignation of Chancellor Pierre Duly Brutus, does not affect "in any way the good relations between the two countries. The frank and open dialogue between the two sister nations will continue in the same spirit of openness, collaboration and joint participation and the work of the bilateral commission will continue in the same spirit." New Director at the Post Office Friday in the premises of the Post Office of Haiti (OPH), Jude Hervey Day, the Minister of Trade and Industry, has proceeded with the installation of Carel Alexandre as new Director of the OPH. Health Priorities for Haiti Thursday, Florence Duperval Guillaume, Minister of Public Health and Population, went to "Global Health Forum" at Florida International University, to intervene as a speaker on Global Health Priorities for Haiti. HL/ HaitiLibre
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